Mrudula Padhye, Japanese language expert

I, Mrudula Padhye, is a Japanese language expert working in Project management, it is crucial to keep up-skilling yourself to adapt to the dynamic field. I am Mrudula Padhye, currently working as a Japanese Language trainer, holding JLPT N1 certification and Project Management Professional certification as well.

Mrudula Padhye, Japanese language expert I have been working in a Japanese language related domain; including translation/interpretation, Japanese language training, pharmacovigilance and related domains in Japanese. I have been working for 8+ years in the field and as a rule, I have tried to keep myself abreast with the changes in domain strategies and technologies.
I was looking for a course that would help me in understanding the programming required for any database, software or tool to have efficient operations.
I was fortunate to find the course offered by Fair Share IT services.
The course was conducted by a trainer having vast experience of working in IT and training for programming, coding and so on.
We learnt Linux, SQL and Python which are considered to be the foundations for understanding programming. The trainer had great command over concepts and explained each point with lots of examples. We learnt a lot by practicing, writing our own codes,testing the accuracy, and identifying the issues which helped me immensely. Highly recommend the course for all, even people without any IT background can gain good understanding by taking up this course.
Special thanks to the Teacher- Archana Chitrav for her simple and effective teaching methods, patience and motivation.

- Mrudula Padhye

- Python Classes in Pune

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