Python Certification Basic Level

Python Certification Basic Level

Python Certification Basic Level In today's digital world, Python programming skills open doors to numerous opportunities in software development, data science, and artificial intelligence. Earning an online Python certification not only validates your expertise but also sets you apart in a competitive job market. This certification demonstrates your commitment to professional growth and your readiness to tackle complex challenges. The flexibility of online exams allows you to balance learning with other commitments, making it a convenient way to advance your career. Take this step to invest in your future and let Python certification be the key to unlocking your full potential.

Syllabus for certification

Responsive Table

Topic Name

Topic details


Basics of programming languages

  1. What is programming?
  2. What are the different programming languages?
  3. Difference between compiler and interpreter language
  4. Why am I learning python?

General discussion on programming concepts.

The topic helps students in making an informed choice when selecting a programming language.

Installing python

  1. Installing python on computer
  2. Opening and using IDLE
  3. Basic I/O operations

This involves downloading the software from official python website and installing it on computer. The basic aim is to understand that what are the components installed with python.

This topic also introduces the students to the python IDLE environment and start interacting with python IDLE using basic I/O operations

Literals, operators and variables

  1. Literals
  2. Data types
  3. Operators: Unary, binary, precedence

This topic introduces students to the basic structure of programming. With this topic, students should be able to start writing small programs. They should be able to relate the concepts with the mathematical concepts learnt in school.

Making decisions

  1. Introduction to making decisions using ifs, elseifs and else.
  2. Using Boolean and relational operators for decision making

This topic helps students understand the various paths that a program can take and how you can control the flow of program using conditions


  1. For loop, while loop
  2. How to control the flow of loop using break and continue

A very important topic which lets students understand how computer can be made to do repetitive tasks and how you can control the loops. This topic gives the student an exposure to where and how loops can be useful in programming.

Data structures in python

  1. Lists
  2. Tuples

The aim is to introduce the different data structures and how they can be useful to store different types of data.

File Handling

  1. How to read from a file
  2. How to write into the file
  3. How to process a file

The aim is for the student to understand how to read a file, process data and output the processed data to a file. Includes small problem statement

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